Implementation of ethical corporate management

Since its establishment, “integrity” has been the steadfast corporate value upheld by SYNNEX. The Group is committed to requiring all employees to engage in business activities based on fairness, honesty, trustworthiness and transparency, implement the core values of ethical corporate management, and promote ethical management, anti-corruption, anti-bribery and legal compliance, so as to maintain the company's reputation, gain the respect and trust of customers and suppliers, and create a sustainable business environment.


Ethical Corporate Management Team

On July 5, 2022, the Group set up an Ethical Corporate Management Team, with the President of the Group as the general convener, and the 7 planning and management divisions of the Group headquarters are responsible for business planning, business administration ,logistics, risk, finance, human resources, technical services and other functions to assist the board of directors and management in formulating and supervising the implementation of the integrity management policy, including the promotion and prevention of integrity principles for suppliers, third parties and employees, and report to the board of directors at least once a year on the implementation of integrity management.


Promote the implementation of ethical corporate management

SYNNEX 's values: "We uphold the principle of integrity and the highest business ethics, and do not provide incentives to influence the behavior of others against the interests of employers or companies, and our employees are not allowed to accept such incentives." All employees in Synnex  are required to follow the "Work Rules" formulated and verified by the Labor Bureau, which stipulate the code of conduct for employees in service, labor laws and regulations, anti-discrimination, etc., as well as the punishment norms for employees who violate the rules.  


We require all our partners to sign the "Anti-Corruption Commitment" in order to truly meet the integrity value standards of Synnex. We also hold regular weekly meetings and monthly reports so that all colleagues can regularly communicate with supervisors at all levels on work and integrity matters, and have an internal audit department dedicated to handling related matters. Through various forms of communication, we have established a consensus among all members of Synnex .


(1)The Company has formulated a "Code of Conduct" and "Whistleblowing System ", and any person who finds any violation of the Company's Code of Conduct, the Code of Integrity and any laws can report to the Company's management, internal audit supervisor, relevant units or the reporting channels provided by the Company.


(2)The company has set up a " Anti-Corruption Commitment ", which clearly stipulates that all upstream and downstream partners and employees shall faithfully carry out all transaction behaviors and shall not engage in any dishonest behavior, and has established a good procurement system. In order to ensure the implementation of honest management, the Company has established an effective accounting system and internal control system, and internal auditors regularly check the compliance with the preceding system.


(3)The company has formulated the reporting system and established an independent reporting mailbox and the procedures for accepting and handling reports.


 Reporting Mailbox


Informers shall be protected. If the informer is an employee of the company, the company promises to protect the informer from improper dispositions for whistleblowing. The relevant personnel who processes the reported case shall strictly keep secret the identity of the informer and the contents of the report. The company shall impose internal penalties according to the seriousness of the circumstances on those in violation of the previous two provisions.


After inspection, the company in 2023 has no employees violating the work rules or internal control measures of the integrity of the business, and there is no improper receipt or delivery of benefits between the company's internal personnel and suppliers, and no internal personnel have been punished for violating the integrity management rules.


Ethical corporate management training and publicity

In order to let the employees know the laws and regulations that should be complied with and the obligations that should be fulfilled in their duties, we have continued to promote new knowledge on various integrity management and ethics and compliance issues through e-learning, APP, email promotion for many years. All employees can absorb operational compliance knowledge at any time and in a timely manner, and deeply cultivate the concept of integrity and legal compliance.



Independent and impartial periodic audits

The "Code of Ethical Management" and the "Code of Conduct" formulated by the Group have clearly regulated the prohibition of bribery, the provision of illegal political donations, and the prohibition of improper charitable donations or sponsorships. The annual audit plan of the audit office has listed the integrity elements such as suppliers and customers as necessary to cover the work, reviewed the reasonableness of the operation of the audit target and appropriately assessed its hidden risks, and if necessary, will entrust accountants or relevant professionals to assist in the audit to ensure the perfection of compliance.


